NPO法人 世界音楽友達の会

NPOとは?[What’s NPO?]

English Japanese

「NPO(NonProfit Organization/Specified Nonprofit Corporation)」とは、ボランティア活動などの社会貢献活動を行う、営利を目的としない団体の総称です。

ここでいう「非営利」とは、収入から活動経費を差し引いた余剰利益を、構成員で分け合わない「非分配制約」という制限条件の下で活動することです。非分配 の原則に加え、一定の組織を持ち、自発的な意思で動き自己統治力を備え、利益追求をせず公益を担う民間の組織を「NPO」といいます。
よく似た言葉にNGO(Non-Goverment Orgnization)「非政府組織」があります。NGOは、非政府であるとともに非営利団体です。一方、NPOは、非営利であるとともに非政府組織で す。したがって、NPOとNGOは、同じものを指しています。NGOは主に国際協力や環境保全の分野で、国境を越えた活動を行なっている団体に対し、よく使 われる言葉です。




What’s NPO?

English Japanese

"NPO (Nonprofit Organization/Specified Nonprofit Corporation)" is a generic name of the group that doesn't aim at the profit-pursuing by doing the social contribution activities such as volunteer works.
Among this group, "Incorporated nonprofit organization" is a general generic name of "NPO" and to become "Incorporated", it acquires the corporate status from the municipal government based on the Law to Promote Specified Nonprofit Activities (Law to Promote Specified Nonprofit Activities).

"Non-profit-making" here means to act under the limitation condition "Non-distribution restriction" which means the constituent members do not divide the profit in which the activity expense is subtracted from the income. In addition to the principle of non-distribution, those organizations whose members are willing to work at their own initiative and do not pursue profit are called "NPO".

There is also NGO "Non-governmental organization" which sounds similar to NPO. NGO is non-governmental and nonprofit organization. NPO is a non-governmental organization, non-profit-making, therefore NPO and NGO do the similar jobs, but NGO work more on global issues such as global cooperation and environmental preservation.

"Profit-pursuing" means that they distribute the profit (that the group obtained) to the directors and the staffs, whereas "Non-profit-making" means not distributing the profit to the directors and the staffs when the group obtained the profit.

The group that doesn't distribute the profit that they received from their services among the directors and the staffs after pulling the expenses is called nonprofit organization.

"Non-profit-making" does not mean "No compensationモ
You may think if NPO is allowed to think about making profit.
This may happen from being confused about the meaning of two phrases, no reward and non-profit-making.
In Japan, people tend to think of volunteer work as no reward and it might be seemed that by necessity NPO is also considered to be an extension of volunteer work and receive no reward. Non-profit-making can make profit to cover a necessary expenditure and maintenance fee for the group activity, etc and neither the director nor staff of NPO share the profit.

It is a mission of NPO to invest themselves for the revolution of social resources and human resources. And aiming at fulfilling social revolution makes the society become better place.

The difference between NPO and volunteer
The volunteer means person who participates in a social activity based on oneユs voluntary initiative and provides aid without expecting any reward in return.
The volunteer work can be in any form of activity depending on oneユs own initiative, and it is not steady, for example if one start to feel about his volunteer work neither attractive nor advantageous, the quality of his work and service may be inferior. Moreover, the obligation and the responsibility to their manpower and the services tend to become ambiguous, therefore each individual can be easily participate in a group but on the other hand there is a disadvantage that it might attract instability for their work force and services of the group

As mentioned above, the volunteer work is paying attention to "Individuals" act whereas NPO is focusing more on the "Organizations". NPO share their missions and principles with others by using the sources they have effectively and create new social and human resources to make the society better place.





Sale makes also finds the product which can be relieved for individuals of the future thought and enterprises to be collected safely, and would like to develop.





NPO法人 日本著作権登録申請普及協会] [東京表参道ブランド推進室
グラフィックデザイン・モナパブリシティ] [NPO法人 世界音楽友達の会] 
りぼんペラペラ英語サービス(翻訳・作文)] [NPO法人 カラー応用支援協会
